Cary - VA7MXY - Benson

Adventures in Amateur (HAM) Radio

Remote SDR

Remote SDR

Shortly after obtaining my Amateur Radio Operators license, I remembered that I had a couple USB SDR dongles kicking around. Additionally, I had a couple Raspberry PI’s that need to be put to use. Way to much Googling and playing around later, I came across and settled on a tailored Raspberry PI image called Remote-SDR.



The Build

The build was quite simple. If you’re familiar with burning an OS to a memory card for a Raspberry PI, you’re already almost done. It was a matter of downloading the software image in the link above. Burning it to a memory card. Inserting the card into the PI, plugging in the USB SDR and powering up the device.

Extensive documentation can be found at the developers site. Go here –>


On order are 2 SA818 radio modules to allow for TX on the VHF band. I may add a second unit for the UHF band. Examples of both these configurations can be found on the Remote SDR web site.

Additionally, Remote SDR can support more then one SDR so I’ll be adding a powered USB hub and a 2nd SDR.


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